keep upload the photo but is failed
finally, i manage to upload all
and will brief to u all the book i bought and the price here.
We went to warehse sale 11.30am until 3pm back home
popo, mummy , jessica & jacelyn and cousin mindy jie jie shop alots
bring back this books....... heavy~~~~~~~~
have to carrying stroller and 2 kids along is a HEAVY DUTY!
we bought 4 bozes of puzzle, 1st 顽皮动物 is NETT RM7.90, following 3 boxes are RM22.90 after discount 80% = RM4.58 each (never aware on the 1st box is NETT price.)
语言益智游戏RM11.90 NETT 益智游戏3-4岁 RM5 (RM25.00) 益智游戏1-2岁RM5 (RM25) 折起来制作吧 RM3 (RM15) 我会用剪刀RM2.76 (RM13.80) 涂涂玩玩 RM2.16 (RM10.80)
磁性教育训练板ABC RM2.86 (RM14.30), 123 & abc RM2.90 each (RM14.50each)