Im waiting for this Enfa long time already
bcoz its time to let Jacelyn to have Enfa since she already 1 yr old
Enfa Club will receive a sms
show to redemption couter will get this mystery gift
This is 1st day the freebies we get :
Tissue Holder with Enfa Owl...


after complete 5 games will entitle the goodies bag
a toy inside box (THE WIND WORK) and a Tee (friday can get Tee)

Enfa Colouring & Sticker Book, leaflet and cd

Enfagrow A+ & Enfakid A+ sample

Enfa Sticker

Smart Camp report card with 5 stamps

Enfa cap while playing the games

3 Enfa handband

We bought 2 tins of Enfagrow A+ to get 2 sets toys
Set 1

Set 4

Jessica playing the cutting set

Mei mei also joined

We went again Last day (Monday 31/8/09) This is the Toys we get Smart Blocks (1 yr old) replace the Tee

Got Enfa Owl mascot appear!!!!

Able snap pic , this is the only clear pic we snap

Daddy was bring us Lunch at Korean Restaurant - Che Go
juz beside Enfa roadshow, we can see the event thru this window~~~

Our drinks is served~~~~~~~

another WWF and MPH booth at other section, get some sticker & book.
Good activity...I really wish Enfa camp will held at my place one day. many gift...but my boy not taking Enfa la!
hi, congrats on receiving the gifts..
congrats! so many gifts for your kids, they must be very happy seeing these. My kids not taking enfa...till now, I have not redeem anything from Abbott yet :-(
ooo i went on sunday. but got no tee shirt wor...:(
my son like the i m going to buy a set for him.
yalo, if ENfa can go every state then will make all mummies happy.
if not enfa, stillcan join the activities, finish all 5 games can get a goodies bag and small enfa gift. Its open to all .. not only ENFA members...
Nextime u can bring ur Kyle have fun there.
thx drop by here, its very happy to get all those freebies.
This is open to all, not only ENFA member, u can let ur kids enjoy all the games there and get a goodies bag
Abbott u have collect all the spoon? have u register as member yet in Abbott? I regitered and get the redemtion book frm them. just keep the spoon, and redeem toys
oh, Sunday de is no Tee right, i think is change to SMart Blocks already .
I went again on Monday, is without Tee and replace by Blocks game.
Nice outing! Received so many gift :)
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