Here is some stuff i bought and freebies get frm Parenthood expo
Heinz Splat, i never had this b4, so buy for trial....

Heinz Rusks, buy 2 box only can get bear & tumbler

Huggies Jeans Pant, never saw this b4, i guess is new product in Malaysia
i bought RM13 per pack....

buy Poise RM7 get this Poise big bag....
its very nice, normally the recycle bag is standard size,
this Poise bag bigger, can bring to Tesco or hypermarket liao

sign up as Huggies online member can get this Huggies bag

TOday Publishing de freebies :

This is frm Karihome booth

Nuk booth sample

I bought a cute toothbrush (got blinking blinking lights)

This is frm Nestle booth, only get a training cup

Sealer booth

Uniq de angku kuih, RM 2 per pack~ yummy